Monday, December 31, 2007
Good Riddance!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Why So Serious?

I haven't seen "I am Legend" yet, but I heard they show
a trailer for "The Dark Knight" before the movie.
If you go here:http://www.atasteforthetheatrical.com/
You'll not only get to see it, You can download it as well.
I did and watched the damned thing more than I can count.
Since I live in Corn County USA, We do not have an IMAX
theatre here,because if you go see "I am Legend" you'll be
treated to a 6 minute preview featuring The Joker. I was
able to catch it on youtube (Some one snuck a camera in
the theatre and filmed it) and I gotta say I was blown away by it. If you go to youtube
just type "Dark Knight Prologue". But hurry, they're taking them down faster than they can post 'em!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas is coming!!

Monday, November 26, 2007
Black Friday!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Dark Knight Returns

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Let's get in the spirit.

Monday, November 05, 2007
What a rough year

I know the holidays will be tough this year, but I know we'll get through it together. My wife's sister is having a baby next year, so there is hope that 2008 will be filled with wonderful promises.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Ode To Maxwell

Friday night and extended until Monday morning, thankfully Mother Nature took it easy on
us and nothing happened. Sunday the Bears beat Seattle in OT & I was happy...but that was
to be short lived. Our Dog, who had been acting goofy the past few weeks took a turn for the
worse. Monday night we had to put him down. Maxwell was 16 ( or 112 in dog years), one of those "mexican rat dogs" with a heart of gold and and inclined to get himself in trouble. My
wife took it really hard as Max was her "baby", I didn't cry...until today. Thoughts of Max
rush through my head, I try to remember the goofy ass things he did or the loving he wanted
when he would jump on your lap and curl up and want you to pet him. Or when you said
"Bedtime" and he'd race you to the bed. When my wife would come home from work all I
had to say was "Mommy's home!" and he'd run to the back door waiting for her with his tail
wagging. I keep feeling guilty "did we do the right thing?", the vet seemed to think so and
didn't think he'd make it. He was suffering & I was powerless to do anything about it. Right
now my wife & son & I are in mourning over our family pet. R.I.P. Maxwell, We'll miss you.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Gaze into the crystal ball

Well 2007 is here with it's promise of a new year. My Bears ended on a sour note by getting beat by the Packers (much to the delight of my Farve loving wife). Now they play Seattle in their opening playoff game, Nervous? Sure, but that's what being a Chicago fan is all about. With the Cubs spending money left and right like a business man in Las Vegas, I know that they will be better than last year, hell, Sports Illustrated thinks they have improved by at least 20 games, but is it enough? Will I finally get to see that Cubs world series or am I doomed? Hope springs eternal every year. Here's hoping Andre Dawson makes it to the HoF!!!