Tomorrow is the National Day Of Prayer, please join with me as we pray for our country. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance." Psalm 33:12
Heavenly Father, Ruler of Nations, I thank you for the countless undeserved blessings that You have showered on our country. As a Nation we have sinned often and grievously. I pray You, mercifully forgive our many sins. The Leaders of our country with the wisdom from on high. Hold Your protecting hand over our nation, over me and all Your children. Mostly important of all, to bring a great salvation to pass and turn the hearts of unbelievers to accept the comfort that only faith in their Savior Jesus Christ can bring them. Your great mercy be gracious to us, bless us and hear our prayers. Amen.
The Coward & The Choker
And the midnight toker! Just jokin'-- it's *"Super Blood-Soaked Saturday
Shocker"* time again, with a deadly double header of gagging gore and blood
After Halloween Sales
OK. One last post. 😁
I bought some after Halloween clearance food. I'll probably look for more
stuff this weekend.
Anyone else find any deals?
The Monster Times Star Trek Special #2: Part One
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picked up, I saw an advertisement for both the Sci-Fi Special (in
magazine format)...
History in the Unmaking!
[image: obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope
n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, vault, archive, database,
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
Thank You, Everyone!
I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Countdown to
Halloween, and hope that it was an enjoyable, and successful Countdown for
Bringing Bedlam to the Bijou!
It's no secret that I love movies. Especially horror movies. And like
anyone who loves something, my greatest joy comes from sharing that love
with othe...
Yes my dear friends/readers, I've decided to end this very blog !
No particular reason to be frank, I've just decided t...
LIghts Out, Game Over, Fin
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account and all it's contents. I know many of you have commented on the bad
The Work From Home Mom's Real Lifestyle
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IS a dark side. (Cue evil-sounding laughter.) It sounds like a work from
home lif...
The Cathedral Quartet - Family Album
Artist: The Cathedral Quartet
Album: Family Album
Genre: Southern Gospel
This particular album from the 60's era Cathedral Quartet features the
group wi...
Random Coloring Page of the Week
Here's this week's random coloring page. This time around it's from The Six
Million Dollar Man coloring book. It's a great picture of the one and only,
Is This The End of the Batcave Trophy Room?!?
Well, yes, actually, insofar as there won't be any more new posts here
after today! But of course, as with my other retired blogs, the Batcave
Trophy Room ...
CRIMSON STONE is a rock band formed in 2005. Bob (Guitars & Vocals)
recorded some songs at his home studio the same year and they became the
first demo: ...
Put Me Back In My Tomb
I have retired MCB but just wanted to let ya'll know I've fired up a Musick
Blog and will be spending time over there from now on. Please check it
out, it...
God Is Good
I am surprised! No one put any comments on my blog. That's okay...
Today is the National Day of Prayer... I believe this is very important
because this ...
1 comment:
Heavenly Father, Ruler of Nations, I thank you for the countless undeserved blessings that You have showered on our country. As a Nation we have sinned often and grievously. I pray You, mercifully forgive our many sins. The Leaders of our country with the wisdom from on high. Hold Your protecting hand over our nation, over me and all Your children. Mostly important of all, to bring a great salvation to pass and turn the hearts of unbelievers to accept the comfort that only faith in their Savior Jesus Christ can bring them. Your great mercy be gracious to us, bless us and hear our prayers. Amen.
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